We rely on donations from members, the public and organisations to supplement our volunteering income. There are three ways you can make a donation to us.
One-off Donations
If you would like to make a donation to us , then please download the attached form and send it to our office with your cheque or cash. Donations can be made for a restricted use (particular ward or department and/or particular use) or an unrestricted use where The League use the money for any Alexandra Hospital ward or department or request.
We also encourage you to agree to be involved in the Gift Aid scheme, which attracts a further 25% of your donations from the Government.
Regular Donations
We have many donors who send us a regular (monthly, quarterly or annual) payment by Bank Standing Order. If you would like to make a regular donation, please contact us and our treasurer will contact you with our bank details.
Legacy Giving
We would be very grateful to receive donations as part of your will. Please consult your solicitor/will maker and include The League of Friends of Alexandra Hospital in your bequests.